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SpO2 Y-Sensor zu Mindray LM6Pins
58,70 €
exkl. 19 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Verfügbar bei Nachbestellung
Länge 3m
LM6 Pin
Datascope Duo, Trio and Datascope Passport XG, DPM1,
DPM2, DPM3, DPM4, DPM5, DPM6, DPM7; ARI 800B; Advanced PM1000F;
CRC Medical Health; Goldway, Contec; Danatech;
Mindray: PM 600, PM 6000 (New), PM 7000, 6201, PM 8000, PM 9000,
PM 9000 Express, MEC 100, MEC 200, MEC 1000, MEC 1200, MEC 2000,
809B, VS 800; Kontron: 7138, 7840, 7845; Medec: MEDEC-1000, M-1000,
M-1100; Creative: PC9000, UP6000; Edan: M3, M3A, M3B, M8, M8A, M8B,
M9, M9A, M50, M80, iM8, iM8A, iM8B, iM9, iM9A, iM50,
iM80 without Oximax technology; Penlon InterMed PM-8000.
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exkl. 19 % MwSt.
zzgl. Versandkosten
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